Top Reasons Not to Skip Dental CleaningsTop Reasons Not to Skip Dental Cleanings

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Top Reasons Not to Skip Dental Cleanings

Dental cleaning is something that we all skip from time to time. I think that the reason we skip the procedure is because we really don't understand how important it is. We think that because we spend time caring for our teeth each day, and get through the examination with out any problems that we can skip a cleaning and suffer no repercussions. Having been diagnosed with oral cancer that could have been caught earlier for a better outcome, I have learned just how important dental cleanings are. Learning why something seemingly unimportant is crucial to your overall health may help you reconsider skipping your next cleaning. This site will help you learn why dental cleanings are so important, by teaching you what your dentist looks for during the examination.


An Overview Of Three Rare Dental Problems

Some dental ailments, such as dental caries, are common, while some dental problems only afflict a few people. However, your dental problem is a problem even if you are the only one afflicted by it. Below are three examples of rare dental problems, all of which can be treated by seeking dental services from a professional.

1. Hypodontia

This is a situation in which you are born with one or more missing teeth. Many people find the condition aesthetically unappealing, but cosmetic concerns are not the only issue with hypodontia. You also have to worry about the risk of malocclusion, jawbone degradation, speech problems, and eating difficulties, among others. Hypodontia treatment depends on the number of missing teeth or the size of the spaces to be filled. You can get artificial teeth for severe hypodontia or orthodontic treatment for moderate manifestations of the condition.

2. Hyperdontia

Hyperdontia is a condition where you are born with extra teeth in addition to the necessary teeth. An adult should have 32 teeth, so anything more than that is hyperdontia. The condition can trigger additional dental problems such as the following:

  • Dental misalignment due to overcrowding
  • Teeth impaction since the extra teeth might come up under the existing ones
  • Jaw cysts and tumors due to abnormal teeth growth
  • Increased risk of dental infections due to oral hygiene difficulties

Treatment for hyperdontia depends on the complications it has created; thus, orthodontic treatment or extraction is a real possibility. In some cases, the dentist may prefer to extract an extra tooth only if it creates problems; otherwise; a wait-and-see approach is also possible.

You may not be aware of your hyperdontia if they don't create obvious or painful problems. Some people only get to know that they have extra teeth during routine dental x-rays or examinations. This is one more reason everyone should get routine dental examinations.

3. Talon Cusps

Talon cusps are protrusions that appear on the chewing surface or tongue-side of the teeth. The abnormalities are so called because they looked like the talons of an eagle. The talon cusps develop during teeth formation before the teeth calcify. The cusps can develop both on primary and permanent teeth, but they are more common with permanent teeth. The upper teeth are also more susceptible to talon cusp formation than the lower teeth.

Small to moderate talon cusps may be nothing other than an aesthetic problem. Large talon cusps can cause damage to tissue (tongue, gum, or lips). They also make it difficult to keep the teeth clean. Gradual grinding or endodontic treatment may be necessary for problematic talon cusps.