Top Reasons Not to Skip Dental CleaningsTop Reasons Not to Skip Dental Cleanings

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Top Reasons Not to Skip Dental Cleanings

Dental cleaning is something that we all skip from time to time. I think that the reason we skip the procedure is because we really don't understand how important it is. We think that because we spend time caring for our teeth each day, and get through the examination with out any problems that we can skip a cleaning and suffer no repercussions. Having been diagnosed with oral cancer that could have been caught earlier for a better outcome, I have learned just how important dental cleanings are. Learning why something seemingly unimportant is crucial to your overall health may help you reconsider skipping your next cleaning. This site will help you learn why dental cleanings are so important, by teaching you what your dentist looks for during the examination.


Teeth Whitening: The Dangers Of Overdoing It

You can have too much of a good thing (just think of junk food and alcohol). It's also possible to overindulge when it comes to using an over-the-counter teeth whitening product—whether you're using whitening strips or the standard whitening gel and applicator tray system. How would you know if you're overdoing it, and is it possible to reverse any damage?

Following Instructions

Your best guide to the correct use of the product is the instructions that came with it. These instructions detail the duration of a whitening session, and how often sessions should take place. These instructions are very general, and don't take individual needs into account. However, exceeding the recommendations of these general instructions is very unwise.

Accidental or Deliberate

Overuse of a whitening product can be inadvertent (falling asleep with whitening strips attached to your teeth) or may be deliberate—exceeding the recommended treatment time in an effort to speed up results. Falling asleep with a whitening product in contact with your teeth is certainly unwise, but it's a one-off error, so lasting damage is unlikely. But wilfully overusing a hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel can significantly damage your teeth.

Corrosive Mechanism

Hydrogen peroxide has a corrosive mechanism. Concentrations of over 10% can damage soft tissues, such as your gums, meaning ill-fitting applicator trays (which allow the whitening gel to leak) are potentially dangerous. Yet at-home whitening gels can contain up to 20% hydrogen peroxide. This can have a corrosive effect on your tooth enamel. This risk increases exponentially if you misuse the product. The surfaces of your teeth can become weak and brittle, and your teeth will become sensitive—often painfully so. 

Treatment Plan

You need to immediately stop over-whitening your teeth. In fact, cease your at-home whitening altogether. Make an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. They'll need to determine a treatment plan that achieves the desired results while also reversing any self-inflicted damage. What might this treatment involve?

Minor Damage

Minor corrosion to your surface enamel can conceivably be removed. Provided it doesn't further compromise your enamel, a dentist can perform enamel microabrasion, which buffs away the damaged enamel to reveal a healthy undercoat. This is performed in conjunction with gentle tooth bleaching to whiten your teeth. 

Major Damage

If your surface enamel is significantly corroded due to over-whitening, your teeth need a different form of protection. This can involve porcelain dental veneers affixed to your teeth, which become their new outward-facing surfaces. When corrosion encompasses more of the tooth, a dental crown fitted over the entire structure may be more appropriate. Veneers and crowns can be made to your desired shade of white, meaning that damaged teeth are restored and whitened at the same time.

It's possible to overdo it with teeth whitening, and if this should affect your dental health, see a cosmetic dentist like Steven A. Kumasaka, DDS  for restoration work.